Sunday, January 23, 2011

An Introduction

Writing comes and goes with me. the urge, passion, want, whatever you wanna call it, is not an everlasting burning candle in my soul. I either want to do it badly or not at all, and often times it's the ladder. So with that being said I won't promise you anything. I won't promise constant updates or for them to be intelligent. My mind is restricted to knowing whatever I allow to filter through -- which, admittedly, is not much. Most of my ideas or thoughts will be considered shallow, because that's the kind of person I am, although you may find a post or two along the way that shows some signs of struggling.

I was born into a fake environment, where material things were placed before everything else. You had to learn or force yourself to like the things others did, or you were looked down upon. Essentially, I was taught since birth that being yourself isn't the best route to take in life because many people may not like you for you which is bad, because you oughta please everyone. So I spent most of my life trying my hardest to fit in, taking up activities that I had no personal attachment to other than wanting to please the person who showed it to me. I dressed, acted, did things that others did and for a long time it felt like I was doing the right thing because that is what I was born into. It's all that I knew, at the time.

Right now I'm almost out of the struggling stage. I will soon learn to see things through my eyes first and foremost before I consider seeing things through another persons perspective.

I am not smart by any means, but I would like to think that I am on the right path to becoming an individual who thinks for herself.

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